About the RMB

About The Rocky Mountain Branch of the IDA

Mission Statement
The Rocky Mountain Branch of the International Dyslexia Association advances the understanding of dyslexia and provides expertise in the science of literacy instruction.

Vision Statement
Our vision is to realize a future where all individuals with dyslexia are empowered to reach their highest potential.

The International Dyslexia Association is a nonprofit organization founded in 1949 to continue the pioneering work of Samuel T. Orton, MD, in the study and treatment of dyslexia.

The International Dyslexia Association, Rocky Mountain Branch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, scientific and educational organization dedicated to the study and treatment of dyslexia, as well as other related language-based learning differences. Through our seminars, conferences, and workshops, this branch focuses on standards and practices for service providers, in addition to advocacy, family support, referral services, AT grants, scholarships, and community resources. Membership dues, private donations, and other development and training efforts fund the Rocky Mountain Branch. IDA receives no government funding.

We serve families, individuals and professionals in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. Many of our 300+ members include educators, psychologists, physicians, individuals with dyslexia, and parents who have dealt with learning disability issues. Please join us!

The Rocky Mountain Branch sponsors educational conferences, trainings and workshops throughout the year designed to provide information about different aspects of dyslexia, language and other literacy challenges. To find out more about what is happening, visit our Events page.

Contact Us

The fastest way to contact us is via email
Email: ida_rmb@yahoo.com
Voicemail: 303-721-9425 and a volunteer will call you back

2024-2025 IDA-RMB Board of Directors*


Rachel Arnold, President
Holly Haycraft, President-Elect
Kristen Kenly, Vice President
Lynn Kuhn, Treasurer
Cindy Kanuch, Secretary

Board Members

Gloria Arquieta-Carlson • Julie Bottom • Trisha Friesema • Bri Luna • Jay Mayer (on leave) • Tayo McGuirk • Tanya Peshovich • Ellen Cieszkiewicz Rigg • Kari Roden • Selena Roth • Laura Santerre-Lemmon • Tiff Stolte • Carolyn P. S. Storz

Non-Board Committee Members

Deb Coultas • Lori McCauley

Administrative Director: Yona Leopold Sammartino

*Please note that an appointment to the Board of Directors does not constitute IDA-RMB approval of an individual’s personal business or online presence.

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