Donations & Gifts

The Rocky Mountain Branch always welcomes gifts to help support our programs! We appreciate you letting us decide what programs are in the most need. The International Dyslexia Association and the Rocky Mountain Branch are 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations; your donations are tax deductible. With your generous support, IDA-RMB can continue to improve the lives of individuals with dyslexia as well as other related language-based learning differences.

You may make online donations or send your donation to:


The Rocky Mountain Branch of the International Dyslexia Association
Mailing Address: 740 Yale Road, Boulder, CO 80305

There are more ways to give…


Colorado Gives . OrgThe IDA-RMB is proud to be a part of Colorado Gives Day in December! You don’t have to wait until then to donate. Check us out now at!

Thank you for your support!

Together we will make a difference!