RMB Service Provider Referral List

This Service Provider Referral List was assembled by the Rocky Mountain Branch of the IDA to help parents and other community members find professional services through our organization. All listed providers hold memberships to IDA at the Professional and/or Corporate level, and have agreed to be a point of contact. Each person, business, or special school has been vetted by our organization and deemed to be “highly qualified” to provide the services listed in their entry.

We encourage you to speak with multiple members on this list in order make the best choice to fit your needs. While the IDA-RMB does not recommend or endorse any individual, business, school, or program, the following list of local professionals is available to guide you in your search for testing, tutoring, and other support services. While you are searching, you may find the IDA fact sheet on Evaluating Professionals helpful.

Referral List LinkClick Here to download the latest IDA-RMB Referral List

IDA-RMB Referral List – Current as of 10/19/2024


Click Here to see Colorado Department of Education’s webpage about IEP Facilitation


Qualified Classroom Teachers, Dyslexia Interventionists and Dyslexia Specialists are also certified by the Center for Effective Reading Instruction (CERI), a subsidiary of the International Dyslexia Association.


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If you would like to apply to be on our referral list, please click here.