US Research Excellence and Advancements for Dyslexia Act
US Senate Resolution 389 – Implications of Dyslexia and National Dyslexia Awareness Month
he Colorado Department of Education (CDE)
Through setting a clear vision for increasing student performance, CDE continually supports the advancement and improvement of the state’s education system to prepare all learners for success in a rapidly changing global workplace.
The CDE has clear goals related to student achievement, educator effectiveness and school/district performance – all aimed at preparing students for success after high school.
- Colorado Department of Education – Dyslexia Handbook
- Dyslexia Working Group – Including Meeting Dates
- House Bill 1223
- READ Act (12-1238)
- Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
- CDE – Special Learning Disabilities (SLD) – Informational Home Page
- CDE – Fast Facts on Dyslexia ©2008 (PDF Download)
- CDE – Fast Facts on Specific Learning Disabilities©2011 (PDF Download)
- CDE – Dyslexia Fact Sheet ©2018 (PDF Download)
- IEP Facilitation by the Colorado Department of Education
- Families or school personnel should talk to their special education teacher or coordinator if they feel it is time to engage an IEP Facilitator. The request should go to the district Special Education Director. If the Special Education Director agrees to the use of a facilitator and there is a fee for the facilitator’s services, it should be paid for by the school district since IEP meetings are provided at no cost to the family.
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE)
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Special Education Services section provides leadership and support for educators, parents, and students with disabilities receiving special education and related services throughout Utah public schools and communities, in an effort to improve educational outcomes.
USBE Special Education Rules: Utah State Board of Education Special Education Rules (Effective June 2023)
Special Education e-Newsletter: Register Here
The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE)
Wyoming Department of Education – Literacy
Wyoming Statute 21-3-401: Reading Assessment and Intervention