Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Branch of The International Dyslexia Association
Serving Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming!
The International Dyslexia Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals living with dyslexia, language, and literacy challenges, their families and the communities that support them. The Rocky Mountain Branch provides local conferences, workshops and resources to educate and increase public awareness of dyslexia, a learning difference that affects around 15-20% of the U.S. population. Through two annual educational conferences, numerous trainings and simulations, a yearly Assistive Technology Grant for schools, teacher scholarships, library program, online vetted Referral list, and more, we hope to make a difference in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming!
October was Dyslexia Awareness Month in CO and WY!
Click Here to join our mailing list and receive periodic IDA-RMB email newsletters and updates of events and activities in the area. |
Looking for a local tutor? Need a diagnosis?
Grants are awarded to accredited Colorado K-12 educational institutions for assistive technology, and directly related services and teacher training, for students with dyslexia, language, and literacy challenges. The grant is intended to fund a year-long pilot project that will support a school in gathering the data needed to secure more permanent funding. We look forward to reading your school’s application! Click here for more information, and learn how to apply! |
Your Donations Make a Difference
Consider a donation to the Rocky Mountain Branch of the IDA and help us create a world where all individuals are given the instruction needed to learn to read. Click Here to learn more and thank you! |