September 27th & 28th at Copper Mountain Resort
The Lissa True Conference Scholarship – For Parents, Educators and Students
The deadline was Friday, August 9, 2024.
In Loving Memory of Lissa True who passed away on August 23rd, 2017. Lissa was a true Dyslexia Warrior, a selfless and loving person who sacrificed for, and was seen as a protector of self-esteem for persons with dyslexia. She was a longtime Administrator for the IDA-RMB from 2008 to 2013, a founder of the YES! Program (purchased by Learning Ally and then run by parents in Colorado), and intimately involved with supporting the dyslexic community in Colorado and beyond! Lissa was the catalyst for launching numerous programs, recruiting volunteer parent leaders, and training and coaching student leaders as YES! Ambassadors. Additionally, Lissa helped spearhead the Dyslexia Resource Group, an organization dedicated to providing education, support, and a voice for families of students with dyslexia in the Denver metro area. Her tireless work ethic and incredible passion are tremendously missed!
IDA-RMB is pleased to be able to offer scholarships towards in-person registration fees for parents, educators and students in the fields of Education or Child Development (or other related fields). This scholarship will cover in-person conference registration fees only (a $50 fee per day scholarship fee will be required to help cover costs), and does not include meals outside the conference, travel, parking, or lodging. Membership discounts do not apply to scholarship awards. Please note that individuals cannot receive a scholarship if they were awarded scholarship for the previous conference. No more than two awards will be given to any one school or business. Priority will be given to first time applicants. See the application for more terms and conditions.
Before applying, and so that we can include as many people as possible, please check with your building, district or BOCES to see if they may be able to provide scholarship funds for you to attend this conference.
This scholarship is not applicable for:
- Travel and Parking
- Lodging
- Meals outside of the conference
- Any expenses other than in-person registration fees
Please apply only if your school or business has agreed to give you time off and if you are able to cover your travel and lodging expenses, plus the daily $50 fee.
Applicants should NOT register for the conference at this time, as registrations will require full payment. You will be instructed on how and when to register after scholarship awards are decided.
Please submit your application by Friday, August 9, 2024:
- If awarded a scholarship, notification with an on-line registration code will be sent via email after all applications are reviewed, but before the early registration deadline.
- You must register on-line by August 16th at 5pm using the scholarship recipient discount code. Funds for scholarship recipients not registered by August 16th will be awarded to other applicants.
- If a scholarship was not awarded, you can register through August 16th at 5pm with the early registration discount pricing. Starting August 17th, you will be charged the regular registration fees.
- All fees are paid at the time of registration via PayPal.
- Scholarship awards cannot be transferred to another person and cannot be deferred for a future event.
CLICK HERE to submit your Scholarship Application for the 2024 Reading in the Rockies Conference. The application will open in a new window. Please email us at with any questions.